Case Studies: Some of Our Success Stories
Lead Generation
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We have created the M.K.P. system after a 2 year learning process in the world of Google Ads with all the ups and downs that 90% of businesses go through.
Experts in ecommerce, distributors, local businesses… are some of the cases that have passed through our hands.
We have decided to open only 5 places to be 100% involved with you.
This is not for everyone and that is why we have to analyze your case in depth.
We will be completely transparent with you. If we think we are compatible to work together we will tell you.
We only work with business owners. If you don't have a business yet, we can't help you.
You will get more customers thanks to digital marketing
We will get your products/services in front of your customers to increase your sales considerably. Discover the stability that advertising offers to your business.
You will acquire recurring and stable customers.
Our strategy is based on optimizing each service for the search intent of the potential customer. This increases the Conversion Rate up to 250%.
We do it all for you. Earn more money, without working more
We will take care of everything. We’ll do it all for you so that earning more money doesn’t mean investing more time.
Some of the Clients Who Trust Us
Who is this service for?
Entrepreneurs who want to scale their brand
Entrepreneurs who want to scale their brandGoogle Ads is a great tool to scale your brand to infinity.
In addition, the good thing about Google is that it is one of the best sources of traffic in terms of taking advantage of existing data, so the more data we have, the better the ads will work, which allows us to improve exponentially over time.
Brands that don't want to rely on Facebook exclusively
It’s great to be recommended, because it means that your products are of high quality.
However, what is not good is to limit your industry by sacrificing your ability to grow as a brand.
People want your products and we deliver them to them.
Our results endorse us
In this case we see how by investing about 7.000€ we have been able to generate 1.170.000€ for our client in the last 30 days.
Thus, we obtain a Return on Advertising Investment of 173 (unusual). In other words, for every €1 invested in advertising, we generate €173 for the client.
In this case we see how by investing about €6,000 we have been able to generate €37,000 for our client in the last month (May 2021).
That is, for every €1 invested in advertising, we generated €6.03 for the client.
In this case we see how by investing about €29,000 we have been able to generate €259,000 for our client in the last 30 days.
Thus, we obtain a Return on Advertising Investment of 8.85. That is, for every €1 invested in advertising, we generate €8.85 for the client.
In this case we see how by investing about €7,000 we have been able to generate €122,000 for our client in the last 30 days.
Thus, we obtain a Return on Advertising Investment of 16.21. That is, for every €1 invested in advertising, we generate €16.21 for the client.
Spanish eCommerce Testimonial
Preguntas Frecuentes
No, cobramos por resultados.
¿Qué significa eso? Cobramos un porcentaje (%) de las ventas que generamos con Google Ads para tu academia.
Este % dependerá de varios factores que descubriremos una vez hagamos la primera llamada de contacto.
Normalmente los 2 primeros meses se paga quincenalmente el porcentaje acordado.
A partir de ahí, se paga mensualmente.
Si estás facturando dinero con tu academia Online y no eres rentable con Google Ads o no haces publicidad en Google, ESTE SERVICIO ES PARA TI.
Hemos de remarcar que a día de hoy ningún cliente se ha quedado sin resultados.
No obstante, si se diera el caso, no pagarías nada por nuestros servicios.
Con Google Ads podemos llegar a personas que ya están buscando tus productos.
Es decir, ponemos los anuncios delante de personas que están buscando esos mismos productos.
Normalmente los resultados se empiezan a ver en la primera semana.
No obstante, hasta pasado 2 meses con nosotros no escalamos fuerte. Así que es a partir de ese punto que empezamos a ver resultados sorprendentes en cuanto a facturación y beneficio.
*Remarcar que cada academia es un mundo y que el tiempo dependerá del mercado, diseño, equipo y rapidez de los cambios solicitados, etc.
- Hemos generado más de 10.000.000€ para nuestros clientes.
- Somos Google Partners y Shopify Partners.
- Además, tenemos un equipo de Google Ads, CRO y Tracking especializado en e-learning.
- Y por si fuera poco, cobramos por resultados. Es decir, si tu ganas, nosotros también.
¿Entiendes ahora por qué somos la agencia de Google Ads para e-learning Nº1?